MBBS in AbroadMBBS in UkraineMedical Admission

Vinnitsa National Medical University, Ukraine

Study MBBS in Vinnitsa National Medical University, Ukraine

Vinnitsa Medical Institute n.a. N.I. Pirogov and since 1994 the University has been training competent doctors for 90 years. For this period about 44 thousands of specialists have been trained, who work in Ukraine and in many countries of the world.

Now training of specialists is carried out at 53 chairs, where the competent scientific-pedagogical staff works. Among them there are an academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, 5 academicians and 5 members-correspondents of Academies of Science, 120 doctors of science, professors, 554 candidates of science, associated professors.

The Medical University has traditions in educational, research activity, organization of the students’ leisure, maintaining of heartly relations with the graduates.

Material-technical basis: 3 educational buildings, modern equipment, research centre and centre of new information technologies, more than 780 modern computers, which are connected up to Internet, large library (500 thousand books), own printing house.

The Muslim Center and the Mosque function near the University.

At the medical university 6250 students are trained, including 2080 foreigners. In total about 44000 doctors, among them 2100 specialists of the highest level, possessing the Candidate’s and Ph.D., M.D. degrees, including more than 7500 foreign citizens from 106 foreign countries ofEurope, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, Africa) have been trained.

Annually the University chairs issue 10-12 text-books of methodics and other educational-methodical materials for the foreign students.

The activity of the Medical University on training doctors among the foreign citizens, international collaboration and international relations are coordinated by the Vice-rector for international links.

In the structure of management of the international citizens’ education function the department for international links, the dean’s office of the preparatory faculty and the dean’s office for undergraduate and postgraduate international students.


The university consists of: administration, education, scientific, medical diagnostic, economic and auxiliary divisions.

The main scientific academic units of the university, which train students and post-gradute students in related specialities are the faculties. The faculty includes clinical departments, as well as the departments in which humanitarian, socio-economic and fundamental disciplines are studied.


University Flag is a blue rectangular cloth. In the center of the flag there is a small insignia of Vinnytsya — rectangular shield, on the top of which in red field — the gold cross, the lower part of the cross is divided and passes into two ramified from each other hooks: one — to the left, the other — to the right, two crossed outwards sword blades; in the lower part of the shield in blue field — on an open book a bowl with wrapped snake (a book — a source of knowledge; bowl with wrapped snake — a symbol of labor of representatives of the most humane profession in the world).

On the top of the shield gold letters reads: «National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya».   On the back of the flag there is the portrait of M.Pirogov.

The top of flag’s handle topped with metal trident. Between the flag and trident there are two yellow cords, ending with racemes. Colors that we used on the flag, symbolize prosperity, honesty, integrity, courage and bravery.

The university flag enters the hall during the national holidays of Ukraine, university’s staff conferences, receiving official delegations, ceremonies and celebrations.  Taking into consideration symbols used on the flag, its logo and standard were created.

Structural Scheme of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University,Vinnytsya


— Academic Board

— Meeting of VNMU staff

— Administration

  • Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
    • Educational Division
    • Methodological Office
    • Dean of the Medical Faculty № 1
    • Dean’s office
    • Dean of the Medical Faculty № 2
    • Dean’s office
    • Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy
    • Dean’s office
    • Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry
    • Dean’s office
    • Library
    • Department for Training Facilities
    • University Departments
  • Vice-Rector for Scientific Research
  • Scientific Division
  • Postgraduate, Clinical Residency, M.Sc. course Division
  • Patent Information Department
  • Scientific Research Center
  • Experimental Scientific Clinic
  • Department of Metrological Control
  • University Departments
  • Vice-Rector for medical work
  • Internship Department
  • Dean of Postgraduate Training Faculty
  • Departments of Postgraduate Education
  • Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories
  • Medical Unit
  • Preventorium
  • Clinical Departments
  • Vice-Rector for International Links
  • Head of International Links Department
  • International Links Department
  • Dean of Foreign Students
  • Dean’s office
  • Dean of the Preparatory Faculty for foreign citizens
  • Dean’s office
  • Vice-Rector for administrative — managerial work
  • Chief Engineer Division
  • Chief Power Engineer Division
  • Department of Logistics
  • Department of Capital Construction
  • Repair and Construction Team
  • Students Campus Directorate
  • Transport Department
  • Dormitories
  • Recreation Centers
  • Students dining rooms and buffets
  • Head Office
  • Human Resources Division
  • Bookkeeping Division
  • Planning and Finance Division
  • Legal Service
  • Center of New Information Technology
  • Civil Defense
  • Labour Protection Service
  • Information and Analysis Division
  • Special Department 


  • Departments of the University:
  • Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Physical Training and Therapeutic Exercises Department
  • Department of Biological Physics, Medical Equipment and Informatics
  • Department of Biological and General Chemistry
  • Department of Medical Biology
  • Department of Human Physiology
  • Department of Human Anatomy
  • Department of Histology
  • Department of Microbiology
  • Department of Pathophysiology
  • Department of Pathoanatomy and Forensic Medicine
  • Department of Pharmacology
  • Department of Hygiene and Ecology
  • Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Services
  • Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy
  • Department of Internal Medicine Propedeutics
  • Department of Internal Medicine № 1
  • Department of Internal Medicine № 2
  • Department of Internal Medicine № 3
  • Department of Internal Medicine for Medical Faculty № 2
  • Department of Internal and Family Medicine
  • Department of Infectious Diseases with Epidemiology Course
  • Department of Phthisiology  and Immunology
  • Department of Endocrinology with Postgraduate Training Course
  • Department of General Surgery
  • Department of Surgery № 1
  • Department of Surgery № 2
  • Department of Surgery for Medical Faculty № 2
  • Department of Pediatric Surgery
  • Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics with Live Safety Course
  • Department of Radiology, Radiotherapy and Oncology
  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology № 1
  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology № 2
  • Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases
  • Department of ENT diseases
  • Department of Ophthalmology
  • Department of Nervous Diseases
  • Department of Psychiatry with Narcology Course
  • Department of Medical Psychology, Psychiatry with Postgraduate Education Course
  • Department of Propedeutics of Pediatric Diseases and Care for Sick Children
  • Department of Pediatrics № 1
  • Department of Pediatrics № 2
  • Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
  • Department of Therapeutic Dentistry
  • Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
  • Department of Surgical Dentistry
  • Department of Pediatric Dentistry
  • Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Department of Pharmacy
  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology under Postgraduate Training Faculty
  • Department of Surgery with Dentistry Course under Postgraduate Training Faculty
  • Department of Therapy with General practice and Family medicine Course under Postgraduate Training Faculty
  • Department of Pediatrics under Postgraduate Training Faculty

History of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya 

VNMU was established when the first President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, academician D.K. Zabolotny, raised the question to the Government about the necessity of opening a medical educational institution in Vinnitsa to serve the nation’s needs for health care. VNMU began as Vinnitsa Pharmaceutical Institute (1921-1936), and later became Vinnitsa branch of All-Ukrainian Institute of Extra-Mural Medical Education (1930), and reorganized in 1932 as Evening Industrial Medical Institute with two faculties – medical-preventive and pediatric and in 1934 as Vinnitsa Medical Institute (1934).

In 1960 by the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Body of the U.S.S.R., the Institute was named after N.I. Pirogov. By 1969, 2,235 students were taught at two faculties of the institute (medical and pediatric), and the faculties increased to 26 doctors of science and 106 candidates of science.  In 1984 the Institute was awarded the Order ”Badge of Honour” for success in training doctors and assistance to public health services.  By 1988, VNMU elected V.M.Moroz as rector.  At that time he was an honoured scientist and technologist of Ukraine, a doctor of medical sciences, professor and graduate of Vinnitsa Medical Institute and he has passed all administrative stages at the institute: the secretary of the scientific board, deputy of the dean, dean of the paediatric faculty, pro-rector on teaching — educational work. V.M. Moroz is an organizer, scientist and tutor, and heads VNMU that had now grown to more than seven thousand personnel.  He is instrumental to improve the quality of specialists’ preparation, introduces new educational technologies, modernizes the education base, improves tuition conditions for students and increases compensation for teachers. In 2003 V.M.Moroz was awarded the title Hero of Ukraine.

In 1994 the faculty of Dentistry was organized, and Vinnitsa Medical Institute was accredited as a University on Level IV, the highest level of accreditation by Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 408, dated 15.06.94.  The Institute was re-named to Vinnitsa State Pirogov Memorial Medical University.  By 2000, the faculty of Pharmacy was organized.

By 2002, taking into account nation-wide and international recognition of results of its activity VSMU was awarded National University status by Decree of the President of Ukraine L.D. Kuchma (June 19, 2002, #560/2002), supporting specialities ”General Medicine“, «Pediatrics», «Dentistry», «Pharmacy», “Clinical Pharmacy”, “Medical Psychology.”

University’s milestones of development:

1961 — opening of pediatric faculty;

1961 — start of foreign citizens training in university’s faculties;

1963 — beginning of publishing the newspaper «Young doctor»;

1979 — preparatory faculty for teaching 230 foreign citizens was opened;

1979 — opening of the Faculty of doctor’s advanced training and creating its branch – based on medical institutions in Khmelnytsky;

1984 — for outstanding achievements and contributions to the development of higher medical education, staff of the Institute was awarded the Order «Badge of Honor»;

1990 — scientific research center was organized and equipped with modern computer technology for its interdepartmental use; organization of scientific- educational complexes (morphological, physiological, biochemical), based on scientific research center’s laboratories;

1991 — first among universities in Ukraine Center of new information technologies was founded, it coordinates the development and implementation of new technologies in all spheres of the university’s activity, beginning of vast introduction of computerization in educational process;

1992 — reorganization of medical faculty, training of students for new specialties «Medicine» and «Pediatrics» began;

1993 — signing of the cooperation agreement with the medical faculty of the University of Münster (Germany);

1994 — VSMU was certified and accredited by the IV level of accreditation as a university, which has some autonomy;

1994 — publication license for journals «Journal of morphology» and «Bulletin of Vinnytsya State Medical University», including into the list of publications recommended by the SAC of Ukraine;

1994 — opening of dental faculty;

1994 — organization at the University of International Academy of Integrative Anthropology, together with morphologists from Russia, Belarus and Germany;

1995 — agreement on cooperation with Limoge university (France);

1996 — first visit of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma to the university, meeting with staff members and students, familiarization with the organization of training;

1998 — opening of the Faculty of doctor’s advanced training, affiliated to the Faculty of post-graduate training with its branch in Khmelnytsky;

1998 — opening of specialized scientific council D 05.600.01 with the right of presenting theses for Candidate’s and Doctor’s degree in specialties: 14.01.01 — Obstetrics and Gynecology; 14.01.03 — Surgery; 01.14.09 — Pediatric Surgery;

2000 — signing of the cooperation agreement with Vanderbildt and Birmingham University (USA);

2000 — opening of the Faculty of Pharmacy;

2001 — reorganization of the medical faculty, medical faculties # 1 and # 2 were founded; creation of a new course «Clinical Pharmacy»;

2002 — second visit of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma to the University, meeting with the university staff and signing decree on granting the highest mark of distinction — status of National University and changing its name to National Pirogov Memorial Medical University,Vinnytsya;

2002 — opening of specialized scientific council D 05.600.02 with the right of presenting theses for Candidate’s and Doctor’s degree in specialties: 14.03.01 — Human Anatomy; 14.03.03 — Human Physiology;

2003 — opening of new specialties — «Clinical Pharmacy» and «Medical Psychology»;

2003 — significant reconstruction of students dormitories on creation in them hotel like rooms;

2003 — award with a special Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

2004 — completion of a new academic building construction, organization of work of departments, research center in it;

2004 — publication license for  journal «Biomedical and Biosocial Anthropology»,  including into the list of publications recommended by the SAC of Ukraine;

2005 — completion of 7 scientific laboratories certification, further widespread adoption of  marketing and management requirements in ensuring the effective operation of all units of the university;

2006 – foundation of medico — psychological clinics;

2006-2007 years — significant widening of integration and international relations in the sphere of scientific cooperation, effective measures for recruiting foreign citizens from the Middle East countries (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia);

2007 — accreditation of specialty «clinical pharmacy»;

2008 – joining of «Institute of Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons» as the university’s teaching and scientific-medical complex;

2009 — accreditation of M.Sc. course training in the specialty «dentistry»;

2009 — licensing and increase of intake for postgraduate education;

2010 – dedicated to 200th birth anniversary of M.Pirogov held V International Congress «Pirogov’s readings» in the framework of which also was conducted the XXII Congress of Surgeons of Ukraine, within 5 days 2173 delegates from 28 countries took part in the congress.

During this time, new educational buildings were constructed, the university was expanded with 10 new departments in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and postgraduate training, and Centers of New Information Technologies and Scientific Research were opened.

Since 2002, VNMU continued to build new facilities, expand its faculties and modernize its education program.  These efforts were recognized by the Supreme Council of Ukraine, the Minister of Education and Science, Public Health, the President of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

VNMU is known nationally and internationally for its high quality of specialist training, and was rated by the International Personnel Academy ranking of schools of higher education as one of the best institutions in Ukraine in 1995, 1997, and 2000.  For 1997 and 2000, VNMU was determined to be among the best educational medical establishments and was awarded with a special Diploma.  The goal for VNMU has been to improve its material base, create favorable learning conditions for students, student tutoring, for scientific-pedagogical personnel and to improve methodical-educational and research activity.

At the university function two training forms — full-and part-time.

There are 6 faculties: two Medical (№ 1 and № 2) — training for the specialties of general medicine, pediatrics, medical psychology, Dental – for dentistry specialty, Pharmacy — specialty pharmacy and clinical pharmacy, Faculty of Postgraduate Education provides various forms of postgraduate training of physicians in 33 specialties.

In the faculty of pharmacy organized part-time training of pharmacists.

The University also provides training to licensed admission to higher education institutions of Ukrainians (self-financing courses – intake of 500 persons per year), training of foreign nationals to enter higher education institutions (preparatory faculty for foreign citizens – intake of 500 persons per year), specialized training in medicine (clinical ordinatura) — 1500 persons per year, internship — 2000 people a year and students’ military training program for reserve officers.

Yearly intake for full-time training of specialists and masters is 1740 persons, part-time training in the specialty pharmacy is licensed for 350 persons. Each year all different forms of training cover more than 11000.

At present, contingent of university’s students is as follows (including foreign nationals): students — 6560 (including — 1030 part-time training), interns – 2149 (during 2012), MSc. course PG students — 63, post-graduate students – 110, PG students for doctor’s degree — 1, clinical residents – 103, Faculty of Postgraduate Studies students — 2568 (during 2012).

Today, NVMU has a teaching staff of 812 persons, with yearly enrollment of 4,000 students, including almost 2,000 in postgraduate education, representing specialties: Medicine, Pediatrics, Medical Psychology, Dentistry, Pharmacy, including specialty clinical pharmacy, and Postgraduate Education for physicians in more than 50 specialties.  The University also provides preparatory training to help both citizens of Ukraine and foreign nationals enter institutions of higher education.

Since 1961 university trains foreign nationals. Since then, different forms of training covered more than 6500  foreign graduates from 106 countries worldwide. As of 01/01/2013 at the University study 1334 foreign citizens.

University’s structural divisions:

  • 6 faculties with 55 departments (39 clinical departments, 16 — theoretical), self-financing preparatory courses;
  • center of new information technologies (computer classrooms, TV studio, printing house, office for computer printing, Internet unit);
  • scientific research center comprising of 7 research laboratories and experimental clinic (vivarium);
  • units for operation of university’s facilities, for creation normal working conditions of university staff members, students living conditions in dormitories, etc.;
  • library, 7 licensed laboratories.

As of 01.01.2013 the University staff is 1646. The teaching staff consists of — 812 persons. Now, specialist’s training is carried out at 55 departments, with competent scientific-pedagogical staff of 120 doctors of science including 75 professors, 17 academicians, and 5 members-correspondents of Academies of Science, 559 candidates of science including 283 associate professors, teachers with no degree — 138. Seven lecturers were given honorary titles of the Honoured Scientist and Technologist of Ukraine, and many of its research workers are laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine. Each year teachers defend 4-6 doctoral and 30-35 candidate’s theses. In 2012 11 doctoral and 113 candidate’s theses were presented.

In 2004 the International links department for recruitment of international students and extension of international collaboration in different spheres of the University’s activity was organized.

University teaching staff cooperates with educational institutions, farmaceutical firms from 13 foreign countries on 9 international and 13 state programs. National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya engages in technical and scientific-pedagogical exchanges with international institutions, including the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Vanderbilt University, New-Hampshire (USA), Munster University (Germany), Limoge University (France), Russian State Medical University, Scientific-Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Institute of Pharmacology, Saint-Petersburg State Medical university (Russian Federation), Minsk State Medical Institute (Byelorus’), Azerbaijan Medical University (Azerbaijan), and Warsaw Medical Academy, Medical University of Lodz (Poland). University received a grant from Sparkman Fund (State of Alabama — USA) total 2.5 million dollars for research for the seven most relevant for public health areas of medicine for five years. Also adjusted the international scientific cooperation with the departments and laboratories of the medical faculties of universities of Russia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Armenia, Austria and Great Britain.

Among the graduates of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya there are rectors of universities (academician V.N. Kazakov, academician V.M.Moroz, professor V.D. Bilyk, associate professor M.P. Rudyuk), director of Scientific-Research Institute (academician Y.A. Zozulya, Institute of Neurosurgery, vice-president of  Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences), former deputy minister of public health (professor A.N. Zelinskiy), head expert of the ministry of public health (professor A.I. Treshchinskiy, anaesthesiology and intensive care).

University total area 80,896 sq. m., of which 41,426 sq. m. is used for learning.  These include fully audio, multimedia systems equiped lecture halls (4,944.9 sq.m., seating for 3,327), classrooms with laboratory space (3,193 sq.m.), teaching and laboratory facilities and diagnostic facilities for medical institutions with clinical departments (14,701 sq. m.), scientific research center (1,400 sq.m) and testing clinic (vivarium — 993 sq.m.), library (1418 sq.m.) supporting 550 thousand of books and periodicals and a sports complex (2,225 sq.m.).

Computer park of the university — 780 Pentium personal computers, 680 using for scientific process and training of specialists, and 100 for university staff usage. There are 32 computer classes. At 100 full-time students there are 14,2 computers, all connected to Internet, number of multimedia projectors — 80.

For introduction of computer technologies in educational process, research, care of functioning of local networks is responsible established in 1991, new information technology center, consisting of computer classrooms, TV studio, modern printing house, computer printing office, Internet unit. Information Web-server of the university functions, we also use computer animation.

This specified equipment is used in the work of morphological, physiological, biochemical, educational and research complexes. With the use of current material base there were created 39 research and teaching medical centers for implementation in the learning process and medical practice of the modern methods and standards of treatment, diagnosis and rehabilitation of seriously ill patients.

In 2005, the Diagnostic Center acquired new spiral CT, the center organized the work of computer diagnostics department. University purchased unit for endoscopic treatment of patients with urological disorders, modern apparatus for ultrasonic examination (ultrasound-4D), flow-cytometry.

The university complex is adjusted using expensive computer laboratory and diagnostic equipment, units that equipped research center (light microscopes «Leica» with video «Jena», demo nozzle, microscope PEM-100M, ultramicrotom UMPT-4, modern liquid chromatographs, infrared spectrophotometer SRESORD 2b / R, immuno-enzyme analyzer STAT FAH 303/RLUS, ultrasound diagnostic apparatus  «Ultramark  9», «Toshiba – SSA — 220A, complex analysis of lung function «Medgraphics”, blood analyzer “Autoluzez AL820”, computer complex for ECG analysis, rheovazogram, pulsometry etc.).

Clinical departments, which organized training in all specialties located at the bases of specialized departments and centers of 24 medical institutions of regional, urban and other subordination in Vinnytsya, Khmelnytsky and Zhitomir. General beds fund of clinical departments — 7736. In the educational and medical diagnostic process the university uses 90% of hospital beds of clinical databases. Departments of urban and regional hospitals, clinics, specialized centers equipped with modern laboratory and treatment diagnostic equipment including MRI, CT scans. Clinical bases are also physical therapy rehabilitation center of the armed forces of Ukraine and the Ukrainian State Research Institute of Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons.

There are two health and sports complexes for 200 people, the total area of their premises 1172 sq.m. (on the Black Sea and the Southern Bug river), sanatorium for 50 persons, medical unit, gym, stadium and sports areas, five student dormitories of the University with a design capacity of 3161 bed- places and one dormitory for faculty of postgraduate education, 5 buffets, student cafes, 4 canteens, which provide the standards necessary for public catering establishments.

Priority directions of scientific activities of the university:

— national program of disabled persons rehabilitation improvement;

— maternal and child health (prevention of morbidity, disability and mortality among women and children, create and implement new methods of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and study pathogenic mechanisms and perinatal risk factors);

— prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of chronic diseases among different population groups (cardiovascular pathology, pathology of the digestive, respiratory, urogenital system, nervous system, allergic diseases, etc.);

— creation, experimental research and introduction of new drugs, devices and appliances.

Special attention is paid to conduct basic fundamental research, namely:

— study of anthropological, genetic, physiological and psychological characteristics of a human  organism of different ages (from neonatal to the elderly) to identify markers of multifactorial diseases;

— determine patterns of morphogenesis and pathomorphosis of different origin diseases to develop and improve secondary prophylaxis technologies;

— elaboration of modern medical- prophylactic technologies.

Scientific research also actively take place in:

— scientific research center with the laboratory of functional morphology and genetics and experimental clinic;

— center of new information technologies;

— laboratory of experimental neurophysiology;

— pharmacological experimental laboratory;

— clinical — diagnostic allergic laboratory;

— clinical — diagnostic gastroenterological laboratory;

— bacteriological laboratory;

— laboratory of experimental cardiology.

The above laboratories have been accredited and received certificates.

The University consists of 12 research schools, particularly school of physiologists, anatomists, functional morphology and anthropogenetics, pharmacologists, microbiologists, gynecologists, obstetricians, pediatric surgeons, as well as scientific therapeutic school, the scientific school of experimental abdominal surgery, research school of social medicine, a scientific school of hygiene, research school of clinical epidemiology, nervous systems.

In 2005, teaching staff of the university issued:

Text-books — 15; manuscripts – 10; manuals — 53, guidelines, instructions for practical medicine — 159; guidelines for students — 60; newsletters – 17; collections of conferences materials — 14.

Published scientific articles — 1156, including abroad — 19; Abstracts — 793, including abroad — 73.

VNMU held scientific and practical conferences — 64.

The university issues three professional periodical journals that are included into the list of Supreme Attestation Commission of Ukraine: “Bulletin of Vinnitsa National Medical University”, “Journal of Morphology”, and “Biomedical and Biosocial Anthropology”.

The necessary teaching materials for the learning process are published in the university newspaper «Young Doctor».

Staff of clinical departments in 2005 treated patients -18 766; performed surgeries — 12 248; consulted patients — 187 665, introduced 284 new therapeutic and diagnostic methods, made 975 trips to rural areas, made speeches at scientific conferences — 425; made speeches at meetings of scientific societies — 213.

On social protection of employees and students in the school implemented:

— timely and regular payment of salaries and stipends;

— payment of rise in wages after award of the national university status;

— use of 50 places in full and at reduced prices in sanatorium and 200 places in university’s health and sports facilities for recovery, rest and treatment of employees;

— free food for orphans students;

— payment of rise in wages for complexity and tension in work;

— according to the law of Ukraine № 1994, dated 09.09.2004 payments for long service and support for recovery while providing annual leave for the period from 01/01/1997 till 01/09/2002;

— bonus for university staff according to the results of financial year;

— assistance in organizing treatment and purchase of medicines for seriously ill staff and students;

— due to the budget’s special fund, costs of students’ living in dormitories and treatment in the university dental cabinet were subsidized;

— free printing of abstracts, master’s and candidate’s theses in University’s printing house, use of Internet.

The University has traditions in educational, research activity, organization of students’ leisure, maintaining of heartly relations with the graduates.


There are five steps to complete admission process at Vinnitsa National Medical University


Students can apply online. After reading the complete information on website about tuition fee and courses first you have to choose the course.
After choosing the course you should send us the following documents by email:

  •  Filled Application Form
  •  Copy of International Passport or ID Card (minimum valid for 2 years)
•  Copy of  Higher Secondary School Certificate (with subject details)

After reviewing the above written documents, we shall notify you about acceptance or rejection. If you will be accepted then we shall issue you Admission Confirmation Letter in one working day.

To get an invitation letter from Vinnitsa National Medical University, we require the following documents:

  •  Filled Application Form
  •  Copy of International Passport (minimum valid for one year)
  •  Copy of School Certificate (with subject details)
  •  Cost of Invitation Letter 400 US$ and Courier charges 100 US$

You can send us these documents only after receiving Acceptance / Admission Confirmation letter from Ternopil State Medical University.
You can send us the documents by email or by fax. Please take care that documents should be scanned properly and should be clearly readable.
You can transfer us the payment bank transfer, by western Union or Money Gram. Please send us the receipt of payments to confirm us.
Invitations are issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and it takes 5-7 working days.
After receiving documents and payment, we shall send you the Original Invitation letter, Admission Confirmation letter and visa support letter by courier.

After getting invitation letter from Vinnitsa National Medical University, student should contact the nearest Ukrainian Embassy  in his/her country.

Visa Requirements are as follows:

  •  Filled Application form
  •  Original passport (valid for 1 year minimum)
  •  Secondary school certificate (attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs or with Apostille stamp)
  •  Medical Certificate showing Physical and Mental Fitness (attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  •  Original Invitation letter from Vinnitsa National Medical University
  •  2 Passport size Photos (3.5 x 4.5)

For complete visa requirements, please contact the Embassy of Ukraine  in your country.


After getting visa from Embassy or Consulate, students should inform us about his/her flight details with date and arrival time.
One of our representative will receive the student at the airport.


Every Student should bring with him/her original complete documents and with Full First year Expenses or Payment Receipt of complete first year expenses paid.

After Arrival in Ukraine, student should submit the complete documents and first year complete charges as written on Admission Confirmation Letter to International Department. Staff of International Relations office will complete the admission process and registration process in 1-3 working  days and after that they will allow you to start the classes.
International Office will also extend the visa from Home Office.
Our International Office staff will complete all the formalities that you should start your classes in 4-5 working days.


Specialties and Degrees Offered


General Medicine (MD – Medical Doctor Degree, equivalent to MBBS) 

Admission deadlines: November 1 (for Fall Semester), March 1 (for Spring Semester)

Academic year (2 semesters): September 1-June 30, March 1-February 1
Period of training: 6 years
Annual tuition fee:
· instruction in Russian or Ukrainian – 3700$ (fee is stable for all 6 years)
· instruction in English – 4100$ (fee is stable for all 6 years)


Physical Rehabilitation 

Admission deadlines: November 1 (for Fall Semester), March 1 (for Spring Semester)
Academic year (2 semesters): September 1-June 30, March 1-February 1
Period of training: 4 years
Annual tuition fee:
·instruction in English – 2000$ (fee is stable for all 4 years)

Dentistry (equivalent to Doctor of Dental Medicine,DMD)

Admission deadlines: November 1 (for Fall Semester), March 1 (for Spring Semester)
Academic year (2 semesters): September 1-June 30, March 1-February 1
Period of training: 5 years.
Annual tuition fee:
· instruction in English – 4400$ (fee is stable for all 5 years)


Pharmacy (equivalent to Master Degree in Pharmacy)

Admission deadlines: November 1 (for Fall Semester), March 1 (for Spring Semester)
Academic year (2 semesters): September 1-June 30, March 1-February 1
Period of training: 5 years.
Annual tuition fee:
· instruction in Russian and Ukrainian – 3500$ (fee is stable for all 5 years)
· instruction in English – 3800$ (fee is stable for all 5 years)

Pharmacy (correspondence course)

Admission deadlines: November 1 (for Fall Semester), March 1 (for Spring Semester)
Academic year (2 semesters): September 1-June 30, March 1-February 1
Period of training: 5,5 years.
Annual tuition fee:
· instruction in Russian and Ukrainian – 1400$ (fee is stable for all years)
· instruction in English – 1650$ (fee is stable for all 5,5 years)

Nursing (BSN – Bachelor of Science in Nursing; MSN – Master of Science in Nursing) 
(International Nursing School or American Nursing School)

Admission deadlines: November 1 (for Fall Semester), March 1 (for Spring Semester)
Academic year (2 semesters): September 1-June 30, March 1-February 1
Period of training: 
BSN – Bachelor Degree Program: 4 years
BSN – Bachelor Degree Program (for students already having ADN 2 years degree): 2 years
MSN – Master Degree Program (for students already having BSN 4 years degree): 2 years
Annual tuition fee:
· instruction in English (fee is stable for all period of studying)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) – 3750$
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) – 3700$

Nursing distant (online) form of study
(BSN – Bachelor of Science in Nursing; MSN – Master of Science in Nursing)
see Prospectus

Admission deadlines: November 1 (for Fall Semester), March 1 (for Spring Semester)
Academic year (2 semesters): September 1-June 30, March 1-February 1
Period of training:
· BSN – Bachelor RN to BSN degree program: 2 years
· MSN – Master Degree Program (for BSN students): 2 years
Annual tuition fee:
· instruction in Russian – 1900$
· instruction in English – 2000$

Preparatory Course

Students who wish to receive training in Ukrainian or Russian language are enrolled to the Preparatory Department. A 10-month Preparatory program provides Ukrainian or Russian language courses, as well as chemistry, informatics, mathematics, physics and biology upgrading courses. The courses start on November 1.
After successful completion of the preparatory program students are admitted to the Medical, Pharmaceutical or Dentistry Faculties, or they can go to any other university in Ukraine and apply for any medical or non medical specialty.
Admission deadline: all year round
Academic year: November-August
Period of training: 40 weeks (2 semesters)
Annual tuition fee: 1200$

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